
Apocalypse of Abraham




Apocalypse of Abraham


1 And it came to pass, when I heard the voice announcing such words to me, and I looked hither and thither. 10:2 And behold, there was no breath of man, and my spirit was affrighted, and my soul fled from me, and I became like a stone, and fell down upon the earth, for there was no longer strength in me to stand up on the earth. 10:3 And when I was still face down on the earth, I heard the voice of the Holy One, saying, “Go, Yahoel, the namesake of the mediation of my ineffable name, sanctify this man and strengthen him from his trembling!” 10:4 And the angel whom he sent to me in the likeness of a man came, and he took me by my right hand and stood me on my feet. 10:5 And he said to me,  “Stand up, Abraham, the friend of God who has loved you, let human trembling not enfold you. 10:6 For behold, I am sent to you to strengthen you and to bless you in the name of God, the creator of heavenly and earthly things, who has loved you. 10:7 Be bold and hasten to him. 10:8 I am Yahoel named by him who shakes those which are with me on the seventh vault, on the firmament. I am a power in the midst of the Ineffable who put together his names in me. 10:9 I am appointed according to his commandment to reconcile the rivalries of the Living Creatures of the Cherubim against one another, and teach those who bear him [to sing] the Song in the middle of man’s night, at the seventh hour. 10:10 I am made in order to rule over the Leviathans, since the attack and the threat of every reptile are subjugated to me. 10:11 I am ordered to unlock Hades and to destroy those who worship the dead things. 10:12 I am ordered to burn your father’s house with him, for he honored the dead things. 10:13 I am sent to you now to bless you and the land which the Eternal One, called by you, has prepared for you. 10:14 And for your sake I have indicated the way of earth. 10:15 Stand up, Abraham, go boldly, be very joyful and rejoice! And I am with you, since an honorable portion has been prepared for you by the Eternal One. 10:16 Go, fulfill your sacrifice of the command! For behold, I am appointed to be with you and with the progeny which is due to be born from you. 10:17 And Michael is with me in order to bless you forever. Be bold, go!”