
Apocalypse of Abraham




Apocalypse of Abraham


1 Then came a voice saying to me twice, “Abraham, Abraham!” 9:2 And I said “Here am I!” 9:3 And he said, “Behold, it is I! Fear not, for I am the primordial and mighty God, who initially created the two luminaries of the world. 9:4 I protect you and I am your helper. 9:5 Go, take for me a heifer in her third year, and a she-goat in her third year, and ram in his third year, and a turtledove, and a pigeon, and set out for me a pure sacrifice. And in this sacrifice I shall set before you the ages 9:6 and make you know secrets, and you will see great things which you have not seen, since you loved to search for me, and I called you ‘my friend.’ 9:7 But for forty days abstain from every food which issues from fire, and from the drinking of wine, and from anointing [yourself] with oil. 9:8 And then you shall set out for me the sacrifice which I have commanded you, in the place which I shall show you on a high mountain. 9:9 And there shall I show you the ages: things built and firmed, made and renewed by my word. 9:10 And I shall make you know what will come to pass in them on those who have done evil and [those who have done] just things among the race of men.”