
Apocalypse of Abraham




Apocalypse of Abraham


1 And I said, “Eternal Mighty One! What is this picture of creation?” 22:2 And he said to me, “This is my will for existence in design, and it was pleasing to me. And then, afterward, I gave them a command by my word and they came into being. And whatever I had determined to be had already been previously depicted and stood before me in this, as you have seen, before they were created. 22:3 And I said, “O Lord! Mighty and Eternal! Who are the people in the picture on this side and on that?” 22:4 And he said to me, “These who are on the left side are a multitude of tribes who were before and who are destined to be after you: some for judgment and justice, and others for revenge and perdition at the end of the age. 22:5 Those on the right side of the picture are the people set apart for me of the people [that are] with Azazel. These are the ones I have destined to be born of you and to be called my people.”