
Apocalypse of Abraham




Apocalypse of Abraham


1 And it came to pass that when the sun was setting, and behold, a smoke like that of a furnace, and the angels who had the divided parts of the sacrifice ascended from the top of the furnace of smoke. 15:2 And the angel took me with his right hand and set me on the right wing of the pigeon and he himself sat on the left wing of the turtledove, since they both were neither slaughtered nor divided. 15:3 And he carried me up to the edge of the fiery flame. 15:4 And we ascended like great winds to the heaven which was fixed on the expanses. 15:5 And I saw on the sky, on the height we had ascended, a strong light which cannot be described. 15:6 And behold, in this light a fire was kindled [and there was] of a crowd of many people in male likeness. 15:7 They were all changing in appearance and likeness, running and being transformed and bowing and shouting in a language the words of which I did not know.