Apocalypse of Moses
1.1 [Introduction. The story and history of Adam and Eve, the protoplasts, revealed by God to Moses his servant, when he received the tablets of the law from His hand, having been instructed by the Archangel Michael. May the Lord be praised. ] This is the story of Adam and Eve after they had gone out of Paradise.1.2 And Adam took his wife Eve and went to the east and abode there eighteen years and two months.1.3 And Eve conceived and bore two sons; Adiophotos, who is called Cain and Amilabes who is called Abel.2.1 And after this, Adam and Eve were with one another and while they were sleeping, Eve said to Adam her lord:2.2 "My lord, Adam, behold, I have seen in a dream this night the blood of my son Amilabes who is styled Abel being poured into the mouth of Cain his brother and he went on drinking it without mercy. But he begged him to leave a little of it.2.3 Yet he hearkened not to him, but gulped it down completely; nor did it stay in his stomach, but came out of his mouth.2.4 And Adam said, "Let us arise and go and see what has happened to them. (I fear) lest the adversary may be assailing them somewhere."3.1 And they both went and found Abel murdered by the hand of Cain his brother.3.2 And God said to Michael the archangel: "Say to Adam: 'Reveal not the mystery that you know to Cain your son, for he is a son of wrath. But do not be sad, for I will give you another son instead of him ; he shall show (to you) all that you shall do. Do not tell him anything.'"3.3a Thus God spoke to his archangel. But Adam kept the word in his heart, and with him also was Eve, though they were sad concerning Abel their son.4.1 And after this, Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Seth.4.2 And Adam said to Eve: "Behold! we have begotten a son in place of Abel, whom Cain killed, let us give glory and sacrifice to God."5.1a And Adam begat thirty sons and thirty daughters