
Apocalypse of Moses


Life of Adam & Eve


Apocalypse of Moses

Entry of God into Paradise

22.1 And in that same hour, we heard the archangel Michael blowing with his trumpet and calling to the angels and saying:22.2 "Thus says the Lord, Come with me to paradise and hear the judgment with which I shall judge Adam." And when we heard the archangel sound the trumpet we said, "Behold God is coming into paradise to judge us." We feared and we hid.22.3 And God came into paradise, mounted on the chariot of his cherubim with the angels proceeding before him and singing hymns of praises. As God entered paradise, the plants of Adam's portion flowered but all mine were bereft of flowers.22.4 And the throne of God was fixed where the Tree of Life was.23.1 And God called Adam saying, "Adam, where are you? Do you think that I won't find you? Can the house be hidden from the presence of its builder?"23.2 Then your father answered; "It is not because we think we can't be found by you, Lord, that we hide, but I was afraid, because I am naked, and I was ashamed before your might, (my) Master."23.3 God said to him, "Who showed you that you are naked, unless you has forsaken my commandment, which I delivered you to keep (it)."23.4 Then Adam remembered the word which I spoke to him when I wished to deceive him "I will make you secure before God ";23.5 and he turned and said to me: "Why have you done this?" And I said, "The serpent deceived me."