
Apocalypse of Moses


Life of Adam & Eve


Apocalypse of Moses

Eve's Prayer to Join Adam

42.3 And Eve also, when the six days were fulfilled, fell asleep. But while she was living, she wept bitterly about Adam's falling asleep, for she knew not where he was laid. For when the Lord came to paradise to bury Adam all were asleep until he finished the burial of Adam except Seth alone. And no one knew (this) on the earth, except her son Seth.42.4 And Eve prayed while weeping that she might be buried in the place where her husband Adam was. And after she had finished her prayer, she said:42.5 "Lord, Master, God of all virtue, do not alienate me from the body of Adam, from whose members you made me.42.6 But deem me worthy, even me who is unworthy and a sinner, to enter into his tabernacle. Just as I was with him in paradise, both of us not being separated from the other;42.7 just as in our transgression, we were (both) led astray and transgressed your command, but were not separated, even so now, o Lord, do not separate us."42.8 But after she had prayed, she gazed heavenwards and groaned aloud and smote her breast and said: "God of All, receive my spirit," and she delivered up her spirit.