
Apocalypse of Moses


Life of Adam & Eve


Apocalypse of Moses

Satan's Encounter with the Beast

16.1 And the devil spoke to the serpent saying, "Rise up, come to me and I will tell you a word whereby you may have profit." And he arose and came to him.16.2 And the devil said to him: "I hear that you art wiser than all the beasts, and I have come to counsel you.16.3 Why do you eat of the tares of Adam and his wife and not of paradise? Rise up and we will cause him to be cast out of paradise, even as we were cast out through him."16.4 The serpent said to him, "I fear lest the Lord be wroth with me." The devil said to him: "Fear not, only be my vessel and I will speak through your mouth words to deceive them."