
Apocalypse of Moses


Life of Adam & Eve


Apocalypse of Moses

Temptation of Eve

18.1 Then the serpent said to me, "As God lives! I am grieved on your account that you are like animals, for I would not have you ignorant. But arise, (come) hither, hearken to me and eat and perceive the value of that tree."18.2 But I said to him, "I fear lest God be angry with me as he told us."18.3 And he said to me: "Fear not, for as soon as you eat of it, you too shall be as gods, in that you shall know what is good and what is evil.18.4 But God knew that you would be like Him, so he envied you and said, 'You shall not eat of it.'18.5 But, do give heed to the plant and you will see its great glory." I gave heed to the plant and saw it great glory. I said to him that it was pleasing to the eyes.18.6 Yet I feared to take of the fruit. And he said to me: "Come hither, and I will give it you. Follow me."